Música de James Marotta que integra o Seminário Líteromusical “A caminho da luz“.





TAG: Música Espírita, Líteromusical, A caminho da luz, James Marotta, Emmanuel

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Holy night

Never will mint 

The sky’s so bright 

We never seen

Anything alike, is time to celebrate

Holy night

Angels keep singing

Christmas night

We now have Jesus

And he has come, he show the way to his

Holy heart, he’s bringing new life to

Everyone no matter who they are

He’s the one

We thank you Jesus

Oh chosen one

From now on you be born at every sunrise 

Become each of you everyday 

To bring us peace and hope

We can sing one more

Christmas night


Lindíssima canção eu quero a letra em inglês para cantar.

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