Course Initiation into Spiritism | Lesson 3 – Spirits, Classification of Spirits and Worlds. For those new to Spirituality, especially Spiritism, it is of fundamental importance to have solid knowledge and understanding of spirits. Based on the book Initiation into Spiritism by Therezinha Oliveira, we will endeavor to explain the creation, where Spirits fit into the picture and their role in the process of evolution.


Lesson Facilitator: Luiz Lima*

Recommended Reading: Initiation into Spiritism, chapters 4 and 5

*Luiz Lima has begun his journey in Spiritism since 1990. As a serious researcher on the scientific aspect of Spiritism, Luiz has been facilitating the studies of how to bridge science and Spiritism in both languages: Portuguese and English. Mr. Lima is a renowned lecturer in the Spiritist movement and participates in local and national seminars and events all year around. Luiz Lima holds a degree in Electronic Engineering, and he works in the computer network industry.

This course is provided by the United States Spiritist Federation.

For more information and other resources visit spiritist.us

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